Quest and Cartridge

Living the Tabletop Daydream

Resources, brainstorming, and plenty of mad ideas for Warcry, Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons & Dragons, along with our own homebrew material and modules.

foetid lands pack for 3-player warcry

The Foetid Lands Pack – 3-Player Warcry Battlepack

Along the distant edge of the settled world sits a boggy, foetid land left to rot and ruin. Three unlucky bands of warriors still wander these wastes, each in search of either glory or release. No stranger to confrontation, nor with one another, there has grown a rivalry between them, a hatred that only burns brighter after countless inconclusive skirmishes. The whispers in the wind say that the final hour surely approaches. Only one will leave behind these swamps for good, while what remains of the other two will sink below these murky waters, forgotten and despised.

The Foetid Lands Pack is a Warcry battlepack intended primarily for casual play and specially designed for 3 players.

These scenarios were variously curated and designed by Joseph McLaughlin (organizer of Montreal’s Golden Troll Tournament) and Alexander Nachaj (of Quest and Cartridge, right here).

Each of the scenarios in this pack is intended for a three way free for all (1v1v1) and comes with the deployment, victory conditions, and twist pre-selected and paired together thematically to make setting up a match quickly, and without much randomization.

The only element not included is the terrain setup, for which you can use any of the terrain deployments and pieces you have at your disposal.

Some of the material presented herein can be found in various rulebooks and mission packs previously released, while some are original creations. This battle pack is non-commercial and intended to be shared as a community resource.

Where to pick up the Foetid Lands Pack?

You can pick up your PDF of the battlepack over at our Ko-Fi page free of charge:

How do we use this battle pack?

All six scenarios in this pack are considered standalone. Therefore, you can play through each of the scenarios sequentially, at random, or dealer’s choice. 

You will need terrain from at least one set, ideally with the proper terrain deployment cards (or simply use a terrain layout generator available online). However, more experienced players may simply wish to set up terrain in a manner that will be both interesting and fair.

A note on this pack: This battle pack was designed and tested primarily using the Catacombs and Heart of Ghur terrain sets, but it will also be playable using standard terrain placement draws for whichever terrain set you have available.

How do we set up the Foetid Lands?

Warband sizes: Players are expected to field their full 1000 point warbands (no need to scale back to 800 or 750 as some scenarios encourage). 

Deployments: Players will need to separate their warband into 3 battlegroups – Dagger, Shield, and Hammer. 

Depending on the scenario, certain battlegroups do not have pre-designated deployments. In these cases, at the start of each new round, players who still have a deployment in reserve (that is, not on the table yet) can choose to deploy 1 of their remaining battlegroups at any of the 8 sectional edges of the map provided no other player deployed on that same segment that battle round and there are no opposing models within 3″ of their intended deployment. (By sectional edges, simply divide the borders of the map evenly into 2 each).

Game length: All scenarios in this pack are 4 battle rounds in length.

Attackers and Defenders: Certain scenarios may involve more than one player assuming the role of “Attacker.” In such cases, both will have a similar objective in mind, but the Attackers are not allied with one another – they will always compete, as only one warband may be victorious after any scenario. When there are multiple Attackers who need to be referred to for any reason, they can be referred to as Attacker A and Attacker B.

To determine which player takes on which role, have the players roll for Defender and Attackers as normal before the beginning of the first battle round. The winner of the roll off chooses whether to be the Defender or can appoint one of the other players for that position for that scenario.

For easy identification of the teams on all battle plans, the Defender is always colour coded to be the Red deployments, while Attackers are Blue and Green.
Divine Blessings: The allowance of using Divine Blessings to round out roster points should ultimately be decided by the players beforehand. If there is any disagreement as to their allowance or not, then Divine Blessings should be considered disallowed by default.

Is there a sample scenario from Foetid Lands we can try right now?

Here’s one of the entirely original scenarios we designed for this battlepack. It’s wild, and different from the normal kinds of scenarios you get in battlepacks. We think you’ll enjoy it!

Scenario 5 – The Idol Breakers

At the start of the battle, have the Defender place one objective anywhere within 6” from the centre of the battlefield. This objective is the idol

The idol has 5 toughness and can be targeted by attacking models as they would any enemy model. If an Attacker damages the idol, have them keep a tally of the total damage dealt by their friendly units over the course of the game. 

All Defender units gain access to the ability Restore Masonry (Triple). When a unit is within 6” of the idol can use an ability to remove wound markers equal to half the value of the ability from the idol. This ability does not affect any attacking player’s total damage tally.

At the end of Round 4, if the idol has less than 40 wounds total allotted to it, the Defender wins. If the idol currently has 40 or more wounds allotted to it, have the Attackers compare their respective damage tallies given to the idol. The one with the higher tally wins.

Notes on scenario: The attackers must compete for damage points given to the idol as points are not shared among the Attackers. Additionally, the idol is to be considered as deadly terrain.

How is this different from the previously announce Threefold Fury Pack?

It’s the same pack we previously discussed, just polished up and with a catchier sounding name 😉


  • Alexander

    Co-founder of Quest & Cartridge. Recovering Nordic Crime addict. He got back into miniatures and tabletop gaming during the pandemic after a long detox period. Has the strange ability to roll more 6s than 1s in any tabletop game or RPG. He’s also seen too many Rutger Hauer movies and still remembers what it’s like to play an Atari 2600 first hand back in the 80s.




