In a distant, alcohol-glazed past, there was once another blog. One that came with a podcast. It was frequently ridiculous, often juvenile, and remarkably combative when it cared to try. There was lots of slurred speech, broken bottles, and friends passing out on a leather sofa that was too short for their almost freakishly long legs.
In other words, it was glorious, even if we can only remember bits and pieces of it.
That was nearly 15 years ago at the time of this writing, and by extension this site’s founding. We’ve gotten older, hopefully a little wiser, and certainly more sober. This time around we’re determined to do it right, to make it last, and not tuck into a six pack a few hours before we promised we’d finish writing that super interesting article about things you will definitely want to read.
To cut the preamble, welcome to Quest & Cartridge. The second site founded by Scott and Alex that’s about games, gizmos, culture, and many things retro. This time around the bend we’re also sprinkling in some of our love for tabletop wargames, pen & paper RPGs, and whatever else this pair of lifelong dice rollers find interesting enough to write about.
Maybe there will also be a podcast, or some YouTube shorts. Who knows. We’re making this up as we go.
What can I expect to find on this site?
We’ll be regularly posting new content. At the moment, some of our primary topics include:
- Discussing all things related to Warcry – the Games Workshop skirmish battles miniatures wargame set in the Age of Sigmar period. This includes battle reports, listbuilding discussions, as well as news and events pertaining to the Golden Troll Warcry Tournament of Montreal (such as the March 2024 edition).
- Discussions and homebrew resources for the Call of Cthulhu RPG published by Chaosium Inc. We’ve been longtime players and advocates of this delightfully spooky, and honestly messed up, RPG system. We even recently released a module for it on Drive Thru RPG titled “The Mask of the Black Sun.” You should consider picking it up!
What is your policy on Affiliate Links?
No one likes seeing affiliate links – we totally get that. A lot of sites that use them tend to be low quality and filled with recycled junk.
At Quest & Cartridge, every article you read here will be original – that is, composed by us from our available time and effort. We didn’t make this site to push products, masquerade as an advertising platform, or to operate like any of those bazillion affiliate sites you stumble across every day. We’re running Quest & Cartridge as a project because we love the topics we’re writing about and we’re all about sharing and contributing to the hobbies that drive us.
That said, we would love for this to become more than just something we do in our spare time, and maybe even see it become a part-time job or more. The only way we can get there in this crap economy and world of BS inflation is to make some money from our efforts. Otherwise, it’s just more of the usual 9-5 grind.
Because of this, we will sometimes include affiliate links in our articles when we feel it points to a relevant destination that also includes a shop or ecommerce function. When you click these links, and make a purchase, we may get a small kickback in return.
I feel that links like this, when used responsibly, can be less intrusive than ads and banners and such like that, which most of the internet uses. I’d love to hold off using anything distracting like that ideally forever, if possible, or at least as long as we can while still keeping this site up and active.
So more likely than not, any links from our site that go there will have our affiliate ID in the link. If you don’t mind us receiving a share, please do click any links from us before making a purchase (it doesn’t make it cost more for you – we just get some of the royalties/fees that the other site would normally claim instead).
Alternatively, if you hate all affiliate links, you can just remove the ? and everything after from the link in your browser and it will go clean.
Our Associate / Affiliate Accounts
For full transparency, here are the sites with whom we are currently affiliates and how the relationship works:

Drive Thru RPG – They’re probably the biggest repository of digital content for tabletop RPGs around. Because we published a module with them, we’re automatically affiliates.
That means, not only if you purchase our module there, but if you visit that site and purchase anything, we get something like 5-8% of the sale price deposited in our account.

We’re associates with Amazon Canada, Amazon USA, and Amazon UK. This means if you click a link on our site and make a purchase over there, we’ll get a kickback of like 1-3% (in theory) – in other words, a little bit of the sale price goes to us instead of Jeff Bezos (I’m sure he won’t notice).
A word about Amazon in general – you can find deals there, but you often pay a little extra for the convenience (fast shipping, easy returns). For games and miniatures, the selection isn’t bad and often the main source (such as Games Workshop) lists them cheaper there than on their own site for some reason.

We’re also with the program for eBay where we get around 1-4% of the sale price sent back to us. Shopping there can be a mixed bag, ranging from finding hidden gems or those miniatures you need to complete a warband, to “holy crap why is shipping so expense?”
As someone from Canada, I do a lot of buying there but often pay through the nose for shipping. If you’re in Europe, you’re probably looking at better prices and more savings (or even the USA) than we are over here in the Great White North.