You can tell I’m in between leaving one job and starting the next one when I put together and release not one game product but two over the course of a month.
Koriolan is a free system-agnostic horror sci-fi RPG scenario with a retro cassette futurism vibe going for it.
A team of salvagers head to a creepy derelict, salvage some old tech, and hopefully don’t die in the process. All the while, the Game Master stalks them with a mysterious Entity and a mad scientist.
Originally, this was a home-brew Call of Cthulhu 7th edition scenario I ran with my usual gaming group. We played it during the pandemic and it was a creepy blast. Maybe I’ll release it under that ruleset in the future, but here it is suitable for any system.
As a funny coincidence, I realized while putting this together that it has some similarities to everyone’s favourite salvage horror sim Lethal Company that’s available over on steam.
There’s no big spider here, but maybe I’ll add an updated release that involves some critters.

Some flavour text from the listing:
“Shore leave’s cancelled early folks. We just got a Priority One salvage order from the folks upstairs.”
Just when you were starting to enjoy your shore leave, that message came in over the holo-tape player in your cabin. The crew won’t be happy, but whoever is in this line of work?
Koriolan is a game system agnostic sci-fi horror adventure scenario set a couple hundred years in the future where a retro cassette futurism aesthetic still prevails (no touch screens in this future, folks). It’s suited for 1 Game Master and 1-6 Players.
The players take on the role of a crew of somewhat down on their luck salvagers sent on a run to salvage a mysterious vessel that has no place being where it was found.
There’s certainly more going on than what the folks at Titan-Ombani are sharing, but bonuses are double for the run, and you could really use the extra cash to upgrade your own vessel or maybe buy a ticket to go work somewhere better than the Outskirts.
In any event, prep your crew, grab your gear, and haul out to that godforsaken rock. There’s a derelict that needs to be claimed and they aren’t paying you to sit around and drink mojitos all day on Dawson Station.
Funny story, I meant to submit this to Derelict Jam 2024 that was going on over at but like a champion I either misread or mismarked the date submissions closed in my calendar
Where to pick it Koriolan One Page RPG?
Pickup Koriolan for free over at the listing.
Get Koriolan at our Ko-Fi listing if you’re the kind of person who likes to leave a tip with your purchases.